It all makes sense now. Decorating is just in my blood. I was looking through some old pictures today and what did I find? A picture of myself as a small child helping my mom put up wallpaper. A little background on my mom...a pretty great decorator herself. I grew up helping her move around furniture and have had a paint brush in my hand since I can remember. She always had a vision and although she didn't have a huge pocket-book, her house always looked amazing. Who am I kidding, her house is still's just a different house. I learned how to thrift shop and how to repurpose things at a young age, and for that I'm truly grateful.
Here I am 30 years ago, and that's my mom up on the ladder.
Here I am now working on one of my many projects.
And here's my daughter Daniella, following our footsteps.
Introducing our 3rd generation decorator, Daniella.
Very sweet!!!
Studio Vignette