Since you have not seen my dining room let me share a little bit about how we even got to the wall art portion of it. The table I bought from craigslist. Originally it was a medium-brown nasty color. My husband just couldn't understand how I could be giving up a cute glass table…constant dusting (obviously something he did not partake in) and colorful chairs but new, for this ugly old thing that come out of the 70's and someones garage, but once we stripped it and stained and painted it he saw the light! He now love love loves this table. It has a cool grain pattern on it and is solid as they come -oak . I paid $40 for it!
The chairs also a craigslist find $12 bucks each. They originally were black and were used by the previous owner for some photography shoot. We primed and spray painted them to match the table. We left the velvety baby blue upholstery because it go's well with our decor. They really are the perfect chairs…lightweight but super sturdy and comfortable. For $12 bucks each a great find!
This chandelier is modern from Osh hardware. I picked it up on sale for $60. I liked it because I has somewhat of mid-century look and the chrome matches my curtain hardware. I am hoping to change out the shades for round drum shades, That would complete the look I am going for.
After finding the great panel for my dining room, I saw this beige panel around two weeks later at another thrift store for $5 dollars and of course i immediately grabbed it! I am not sure yet what i am going to do with it but whatever I do end up using it for I am sure It will look great. I think the possibilities are endless, and for $5…right?
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